
yup, it's not ok.

Opinion Jill Brinsdon

'All we need the men-folk to do is actually agree' – NZ media commentator weighs in on Sir Ian McKellen's sexual-misconduct comment

A prominent female Kiwi media commentator has advised that "all we need the men-folk to do is actually agree" sexual misconduct exists - anything more is generally patronising.

Creative director of marketing company Radiation, Jill Brinsdon, has said men who weigh into the sexual-abuse saga rocking Hollywood by grading the degrees of sexual abuse are missing the broader issue.

"All we need the men folk to do is actually agree," Ms Brinsdon said. "We just need them to go, yup it's not ok.

"We don't need them to say 'but hang on ladies there's a difference between a pat on the bottom and some other much more dangerous activity'.

"No, no, it's all part of the problem."

The comments come after Sir Ian McKellen today commented on the Weinstein saga by saying directors in the 60s took advantage of actresses in the sixties offering sex for roles.

Click here for the full published article

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